Category: Watson’s Blog

A 36´ clear distribution center provides on demand expansion without requiring additional square footage, which allows you to stay in the same facility as you expand your operations to keep up with global retail demands all the while keeping costs down while simultaneously preparing for future growth.


If you’re a Southern California resident, you’ve probably received a letter from your local water company detailing the restrictions in place during our severe drought. In residential neighborhoods and business parks alike, you can see the impact of the water crisis: brown lawns, dried out plants, drooping trees. Shifting Climate, Shifting Needs With an El...


Established in 1994 by then Assembly Member Betty Karnette, the Overweight Corridor (OWC) provides the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach a much-needed route for overweight trucks to legally transport cargo containers on State Route 47/103 and Highway Route 1 (Pacific Coast Highway). The Ins and Outs of the OWC Strategically located in Los...
